Roasted Broccoli Rabe Recipe Photo

Roasted Broccoli Rabe (Rapini)

Serves 4

I really do love broccoli rabe, also known as rapini. It is an Italian relative of broccoli with a similar, but more assertive flavor. There was a time when broccoli rabe was very difficult to find except in areas with a substantial Italian-American population but, since it has become more popular, now it is available in many regions. I love it braised as a side dish and it makes a fabulous pasta or pizza, all of which are in the similar and related recipes. As I do with many vegetables, I decided to try roasting broccoli rabe. It took several attempts to get it right because it includes stems, florets and an abundance of leaves. The problem was getting the larger stems and florets tender without the leaves getting too brown or crispy. I did not want to blanch the broccoli rabe before roasting, which is called for in many recipes, because I did not want to lose any of the flavor. I found that placing the stems and florets to one side of the pan in a single layer, then piling the leaves on the other side, tossing them once as they roast and tenting with foil if necessary, was all that was needed to protect the leaves. Now I roast broccoli rabe more often than I braise it for a quick, easy, healthy and absolutely delicious side dish.


Preheat oven to 400° F. If desired, line a large sheet pan with foil for easy cleanup. Remove and discard about 1-inch from the bottom of the large stems. Cut the broccoli rabe into about 2-inch lengths, including any large leaves. Rinse in cool water and drain. (See the notes below for additional preparation tips.)

Place the large stem pieces and florets to one side of the pan in a single layer, overlapping slightly if needed. Pile the leaves, small florets and thin stems on the other side. Add the olive oil, garlic, salt, pepper and optional nutmeg. Toss to combine, maintaining the separation of stems and leaves. Roast for 10 minutes. Toss the leaves and roast for another 10 minutes, tenting with foil if the leaves brown too quickly. Drizzle with the balsamic vinegar and continue to roast until the stems are tender, about 2 more minutes. Serve immediately or at room temperature.

Notes: It is not necessary to remove all of the water after cleaning the broccoli rabe as a little moisture helps keep everything from browning too much before getting tender. Depending on the source and age of the broccoli rabe, the stems can be rather large and tough. I have never had that issue but, if necessary, the outer skin can be removed with a vegetable peeler.